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-------16  Fact About Our Earth-------

-According to recent Survey there are 234 Countries around the world.

-Only 194 Countries are registered members in the UNO.

-Rest are poor in communication, wealth and culture.

-There are 7 continents in world name as (Asia,Africa,North America,Europe,Antarctica,Australia,South America).

-Sum total of all living humans on Earth 7.031 billion .

- World largest country by area Russia     . World smallest country Vatican City.

-United States of America is the richest country in the world with an estimated GDP of $15.1 trillion in 2011.

-World poorest country Congo, Democratic Republic of the.

-Coldest country of all in the world. Antarctica , 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice.

-hottest country in the world is considered to be Libya. In the major city of Al'Aziziyah, temperatures as high as 136 degrees Fahrenheit - 57.8 degrees Celsius - have been recorded.

-Kuwait  has highest currency rate in the world.

-Zimbabwe Has lowest currency rate in the world.

-Earth's surface covered by water is 71.13% , with a total volume of 1.332 billion cubic kilometres & the percentage covered by land is 28.86%. Only 3% of that water is fresh water, the rest is saltwater.

-There five Ocean in This world name as Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern ocean.

-Highest moutain in the world with height of  29,029 ft.located in nepal/tibet

-K2 is the Second higest mountain of Workd with heigt of 28,251 ft. located in Pakistan.

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